This report is for educational purposes only, and not to provide investment advice.  Before making any investment decision, you should always do your own research or consult a investment professional. Estimates Estimates Estimates
While I try to be accurate, I assume no responsibility for any figure in this spreadsheet. Q1 2025
See my website on stocks or see my blog at the following sites. 3/31/25 <-estimates
Canadian Pacific Kansas City Ltd TSX: CP NYSE:  CP Fiscal Yr: Dec 31
Year 12/31/11 12/31/12 12/31/13 12/31/14 12/31/15 12/31/16 12/31/17 12/31/18 12/31/19 12/31/20 12/31/21 12/31/22 12/31/23 12/31/24 12/31/25 12/31/26 12/31/27 Value Description #Y Item Total G
Split Date 14-May-21 unaudited
CPR shares % 5
CPR Split
$14,824 <-12 mths 1.91%
Revenue* $5,177 $5,695 $6,133 $6,620 $6,712 $6,232 $6,554 $7,316 $7,792 $7,710 $7,995 $8,814 $12,555 $14,546 $15,749 $16,896 119.73% <-Total Growth 10 Revenue
Increase 3.92% 10.01% 7.69% 7.94% 1.39% -7.15% 5.17% 11.63% 6.51% -1.05% 3.70% 10.24% 42.44% 15.86% 8.27% 7.28% 8.19% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Revenue 119.73%
5 year Running Average $4,820 $5,018 $5,258 $5,721 $6,067 $6,278 $6,450 $6,687 $6,921 $7,121 $7,473 $7,925 $8,973 $10,324 $11,932 $13,712 13.30% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Revenue 86.68%
Revenue per Share $6.09 $6.55 $6.99 $7.97 $8.77 $8.52 $9.05 $10.41 $11.38 $11.57 $8.60 $9.47 $13.47 $15.58 $16.87 $18.10 6.08% <-IRR #YR-> 10 5 yr Running Average 80.45%
Increase 3.44% 7.54% 6.77% 13.98% 10.07% -2.90% 6.18% 15.12% 9.23% 1.69% -25.66% 10.15% 42.20% 15.68% 8.27% 7.28% 8.33% <-IRR #YR-> 5 5 yr Running Average 49.16%
5 year Running Average $5.93 $6.01 $6.13 $6.70 $7.28 $7.76 $8.26 $8.94 $9.63 $10.18 $10.20 $10.29 $10.90 $11.74 $12.80 $14.70 6.93% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Revenue per Share 95.48%
P/S (Price/Sales) Med 1.89 2.60 3.87 5.00 4.70 4.19 4.68 4.85 5.03 6.10 10.70 9.94 7.67 7.25 6.58 0.00 6.50% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Revenue per Share 36.98%
P/S (Price/Sales) Close 2.27 3.08 4.59 5.61 4.03 4.50 5.08 4.65 5.82 7.63 10.58 10.66 7.78 6.68 6.55 6.11 5.77% <-IRR #YR-> 10 5 yr Running Average 75.24%
*Revenue in M CDN $  P/S Med 20 yr  4.43 15 yr  4.85 10 yr  6.25 5 yr  7.78 4.87% Diff M/C 4.05% <-IRR #YR-> 5 5 yr Running Average 21.95%
-$6,620 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $14,546
-$7,792 $0 $0 $0 $0 $14,546
-$5,721 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,324
-$6,921 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,324
-$7.97 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $15.58
-$11.38 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $15.58
-$6.70 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11.74
-$9.63 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11.74
$4.41 <-12 mths 3.76%
Adjusted Income CDN$ $967 $1,309 $1,844 $1,482 $1,625 $1,549 $1,666 $2,712 $2,290 $2,403 $2,573 $3,521 $3,582 $3,973 168.08% <-Total Growth Adjusted Income CDN$
Return on Equity ROE 20.80% 25.68% 25.98% 26.42% 33.88% 33.48% 25.88% 40.87% 32.39% 32.83% 7.61% 9.05% 8.63% 8.30% 29.14% <-Median-> 10 Return on Equity ROE
5Yr Median 17.34% 20.80% 23.13% 25.68% 25.98% 26.42% 26.42% 33.48% 33.48% 32.83% 32.39% 32.39% 9.05% 8.63% 29.41% <-Median-> 10 5Yr Median
Basic Calc $1.14 $1.52 $2.11 $1.72 $2.04 $2.07 $2.28 $3.80 $3.30 $3.55 $3.77 $3.79 $3.85 $4.26 148.26% <-Total Growth 10 Basic Calc
Pre 2021 split $3.15 $4.34 $6.42 $8.54 $8.47 $10.69 $16.49
AEPS* Dilued $0.63 $0.87 $1.28 $1.71 $1.69 $2.14 $3.30 $2.90 $3.29 $3.53 $3.77 $3.77 $3.84 $4.25 $4.94 $5.64 $6.56 148.83% <-Total Growth 10 AEPS
Increase -18.18% 37.78% 47.93% 33.02% -0.82% 26.21% 54.26% -12.07% 13.45% 7.29% 6.80% 0.00% 1.86% 10.68% 16.24% 14.17% 16.31% 10 0 10 Years of Data, EPS P or N 100.00%
5 year Running Average $0.83 $0.76 $0.86 $1.05 $1.24 $1.54 $2.02 $2.35 $2.66 $3.03 $3.36 $3.45 $3.64 $3.83 $4.11 $4.49 $5.05 9.54% <-IRR #YR-> 10 AEPS 148.83%
AEPS Yield 4.56% 4.30% 4.00% 3.82% 4.79% 5.58% 7.18% 5.99% 4.97% 4.00% 4.14% 3.73% 3.66% 4.08% 4.47% 5.10% 5.93% 5.25% <-IRR #YR-> 5 AEPS 29.18%
Payout Ratio 36.19% 29.95% 21.81% 16.39% 16.53% 15.90% 12.89% 16.72% 17.99% 19.49% 20.16% 20.16% 19.79% 17.88% 15.38% 13.48% 11.59% 13.80% <-IRR #YR-> 10 5 yr Running Average 264.26%
5 year Running Average 7.24% 13.23% 17.59% 20.87% 24.17% 20.12% 16.70% 15.69% 16.01% 16.60% 17.45% 18.91% 19.52% 19.50% 18.68% 17.34% 15.62% 7.54% <-IRR #YR-> 5 5 yr Running Average 43.84%
Price/AEPS Median 18.29 19.59 21.08 23.33 24.32 16.68 12.83 17.40 17.39 20.00 24.40 24.98 26.89 26.56 22.48 0.00 0.00 22.16 <-Median-> 10 Price/AEPS Median
Price/AEPS High 21.91 23.27 25.94 28.30 28.68 19.35 14.08 19.91 20.46 25.02 26.34 26.76 29.08 28.97 23.47 0.00 0.00 25.68 <-Median-> 10 Price/AEPS High
Price/AEPS Low 14.67 15.92 16.21 18.37 19.96 14.02 11.58 14.90 14.32 14.98 22.45 23.21 24.70 24.16 21.48 0.00 0.00 17.47 <-Median-> 10 Price/AEPS Low
Price/AEPS Close 21.91 23.25 25.02 26.20 20.87 17.92 13.93 16.71 20.12 25.02 24.13 26.78 27.30 24.49 22.38 19.61 16.86 22.50 <-Median-> 10 Price/AEPS Close
Trailing P/AEPS Close 17.92 32.03 37.02 34.85 20.69 22.62 21.48 14.69 22.83 26.84 25.77 26.78 27.81 27.10 26.02 22.38 19.61 24.30 <-Median-> 10 Trailing P/AEPS Close
Median Values DPR 10 Yrs 17.94% 5 Yrs   19.79% P/CF 5 Yrs   in order 24.98 26.76 23.21 25.02 -16.34% Diff M/C DPR 75% to 95% best
* Adjusted Income
Core adjusted combined diluted EPS -$1.71 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4.25
-$3.29 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4.25
Core adjusted combined Income -$1.05 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3.83
-$2.66 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3.83
$4.14 <-12 mths 4.02%
Difference Basic and Diluted 0.89% 1.06% 0.80% 0.94% 0.83% 0.56% 0.30% 0.29% 0.34% 0.44% 0.48% 0.26% 0.24% 0.00% 0.32% <-Median-> 6 Difference Basic and Diluted
Pre 2021 split $3.37 $2.82 $5.00 $8.54 $8.47 $10.69 $16.49 $13.65 $17.58 $18.05
EPS Basic $0.67 $0.56 $1.00 $1.71 $1.69 $2.14 $3.30 $2.73 $3.52 $3.61 $4.20 $3.78 $4.22 $3.98 133.02% <-Total Growth 10 EPS Basic
Pre 2021 split $3.34 $2.79 $4.96 $8.46 $8.40 $10.63 $16.44 $13.61 $17.52 $17.97
EPS Diluted* $0.67 $0.56 $0.99 $1.69 $1.68 $2.13 $3.29 $2.72 $3.50 $3.59 $4.18 $3.77 $4.21 $3.98 $4.83 $5.55 135.22% <-Total Growth 10 EPS Diluted
Increase -13.25% -16.47% 77.78% 70.56% -0.71% 26.55% 54.66% -17.21% 28.73% 2.57% 16.30% -9.81% 11.67% -5.46% 21.26% 15.04% 10 0 10 Years of Data, EPS P or N 100.00%
Earnings Yield 4.8% 2.8% 3.1% 3.8% 4.8% 5.5% 7.2% 5.6% 5.3% 4.1% 4.6% 3.7% 4.0% 3.8% 4.4% 5.0% 8.93% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Earnings per Share 135.22%
5 year Running Average $0.84 $0.71 $0.74 $0.94 $1.12 $1.41 $1.96 $2.30 $2.66 $3.05 $3.46 $3.55 $3.85 $3.95 $4.19 $4.47 2.58% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Earnings per Share 13.58%
10 year Running Average $0.75 $0.74 $0.79 $0.91 $1.01 $1.12 $1.33 $1.52 $1.80 $2.08 $2.43 $2.75 $3.08 $3.31 $3.62 $3.96 15.48% <-IRR #YR-> 10 5 yr Running Average 321.67%
* ESP per share (Cdn GAAP) E/P 10 Yrs 4.67% 5Yrs 4.02% 8.18% <-IRR #YR-> 5 5 yr Running Average 48.15%
-$1.69 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3.98
-$3.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3.98
-$0.94 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3.95
-$2.66 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3.95
Dividend* $0.88 $0.97 Dividend*
Increase 16.36% 9.56% Increase
Payout Ratio EPS 18.32% 17.45% Estimates Payout Ratio EPS
Special Dividends $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 <-Median-> 10 Special Dividends
CPL $0.76
CPR  $0.608
Pre 2021 split $1.14 $1.30 $1.40 $1.40 $1.40 $1.70 $2.13 $2.43 $2.96 $3.44 $3.80
After 2021 split $0.59 $0.69 $0.76
Dividend* $0.23 $0.26 $0.28 $0.28 $0.28 $0.34 $0.43 $0.49 $0.59 $0.69 $0.76 $0.76 $0.76 $0.76 $0.76 $0.76 $0.76 171.43% <-Total Growth 10 Dividends
Increase 10.14% 14.04% 7.69% 0.00% 0.00% 21.43% 25.00% 14.12% 22.06% 16.22% 10.47% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 24 2 36 Years of data Count P, N
Average Increases 5 Year Running 8.94% 7.75% 7.28% 7.28% 6.37% 8.63% 10.82% 12.11% 16.52% 19.76% 17.57% 12.57% 9.75% 5.34% 2.09% 0.00% 0.00% 11.47% <-Median-> 10 Average Incr 5 Year Running
Dividends 5 Yr Running $0.20 $0.22 $0.23 $0.25 $0.27 $0.29 $0.32 $0.36 $0.42 $0.51 $0.59 $0.66 $0.71 $0.75 $0.76 $0.76 $0.76 197.05% <-Total Growth 10 Dividends 5 Yr Running
Yield H/L Price 1.98% 1.53% 1.03% 0.70% 0.68% 0.95% 1.00% 0.96% 1.03% 0.97% 0.83% 0.81% 0.74% 0.67% 0.68% 0.89% <-Median-> 10 Yield H/L Price Item
Yield on High  Price 1.65% 1.29% 0.84% 0.58% 0.58% 0.82% 0.92% 0.84% 0.88% 0.78% 0.77% 0.75% 0.68% 0.62% 0.66% 0.77% <-Median-> 10 Yield on High  Price EPS
Yield on Low Price 2.47% 1.88% 1.34% 0.89% 0.83% 1.13% 1.11% 1.12% 1.26% 1.30% 0.90% 0.87% 0.80% 0.74% 0.72% 1.01% <-Median-> 10 Yield on Low Price AEPS
Yield on Close Price 1.65% 1.29% 0.87% 0.63% 0.79% 0.89% 0.93% 1.00% 0.89% 0.78% 0.84% 0.75% 0.72% 0.73% 0.69% 0.69% 0.69% 0.81% <-Median-> 10 Yield on Close Price CFPS
Payout Ratio EPS 34.13% 46.59% 28.23% 16.55% 16.67% 15.99% 12.93% 17.82% 16.89% 19.14% 18.18% 20.16% 18.05% 19.10% 15.75% 13.69% #DIV/0! 17.94% <-Median-> 10 DPR EPS FCF 1
DPR EPS 5 Yr Running 24.16% 30.94% 31.52% 26.82% 23.76% 20.43% 16.41% 15.73% 15.93% 16.61% 17.06% 18.49% 18.49% 18.89% 18.12% 17.01% #DIV/0! 17.77% <-Median-> 10 DPR EPS 5 Yr Running FCF 2
Payout Ratio CFPS 37.85% 17.02% 12.59% 10.95% 8.71% 11.91% 14.11% 12.56% 13.56% 16.37% 19.16% 17.07% 17.12% 13.46% 10.97% 9.48% #DIV/0! 13.84% <-Median-> 10 DPR CF
DPR CF 5 Yr Running 20.35% 22.82% 20.94% 16.73% 13.12% 11.63% 11.58% 11.68% 12.26% 13.83% 15.20% 15.76% 16.62% 16.42% 14.94% 12.89% #DIV/0! 13.47% <-Median-> 10 DPR CF 5 Yr Running
Payout Ratio CFPS WC 32.30% 15.95% 12.26% 10.41% 8.85% 10.62% 12.66% 12.50% 14.11% 14.42% 18.64% 22.49% 17.34% 13.49% 10.97% 9.48% #DIV/0! 13.80% <-Median-> 10 DPR CF WC
DPR CF WC 5 Yr Running 19.50% 21.10% 20.11% 15.77% 12.68% 11.10% 10.92% 11.11% 11.92% 13.04% 14.55% 16.18% 17.11% 16.76% 15.57% 13.41% #DIV/0! 12.86% <-Median-> 10 DPR CF WC 5 Yr Running
Median Values 10 Yr Med 10 Yr Cl 0.89% 0.81% 5 Yr Med 5 Yr Cl 0.81% 0.75% 5 Yr Med Payout 19.10% 17.07% 17.34% 5.12% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Dividends 28.38%
* Dividends per share  10 Yr Med and Cur. -22.75% -15.54% 5 Yr Med and Cur. -14.83% -8.71% Last Div Inc ---> $0.1660 $0.1900 14.46% 10.50% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Dividends 171.43%
Dividends Growth 15 9.38% <-IRR #YR-> 15 Dividends 283.84%
Dividends Growth 20 10.46% <-IRR #YR-> 20 Dividends 630.77%
Dividends Growth 25 11.00% <-IRR #YR-> 25 Dividends 1257.14%
Dividends Growth 30 11.14% <-IRR #YR-> 30 Dividends 2275.00%
Dividends Growth 35 6.50% <-IRR #YR-> 35 Dividends
Dividends Growth 40 6.93% <-IRR #YR-> 36 Dividends
Dividends Growth 5 -$0.59 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.76 Dividends Growth 5
Dividends Growth 10 -$0.28 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.76 Dividends Growth 10
Dividends Growth 15 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.76 Dividends Growth 15
Dividends Growth 20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.76 Dividends Growth 20
Dividends Growth 25 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.76 Dividends Growth 25
Dividends Growth 30 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.76 Dividends Growth 30
Dividends Growth 35 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.76 Dividends Growth 35
Dividends Growth 40 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.76 Dividends Growth 40
Historical Dividends Historical High Div 2.50% Low Div 0.67% 10 Yr High 1.17% 10 Yr Low 0.58% Med Div 1.21% Close Div 1.37% Historical Dividends
High/Ave/Median Values Curr diff Exp. -72.51% 2.58% Exp. -41.26% 18.50% Exp. -43.20% Exp. -49.72% High/Ave/Median  Div Yd
Future Dividend Yield Div Yd 0.88% earning in 5 Years at IRR of 5.12% Div Inc. 28.38% Future Dividend Yield 1.13%
Future Dividend Yield Div Yd 1.13% earning in 10 Years at IRR of 5.12% Div Inc. 64.81% Future Dividend Yield 1.45%
Future Dividend Yield Div Yd 1.45% earning in 15 Years at IRR of 5.12% Div Inc. 111.58% Future Dividend Yield
Future Dividend Paid Div Paid $0.98 earning in 5 Years at IRR of 5.12% Div Inc. 28.38% Future Dividend Paid
Future Dividend Paid Div Paid $1.25 earning in 10 Years at IRR of 5.12% Div Inc. 64.81% Future Dividend Paid
Future Dividend Paid Div Paid $1.61 earning in 15 Years at IRR of 5.12% Div Inc. 111.58% Future Dividend Paid
Dividend Covering Cost Total Div $4.21 over 5 Years at IRR of 5.12% Div Cov. 3.81% Dividend Covering Cost
Dividend Covering Cost Total Div $8.64 over 10 Years at IRR of 5.12% Div Cov. 7.81% Dividend Covering Cost
Dividend Covering Cost Total Div $14.32 over 15 Years at IRR of 5.12% Div Cov. 12.95% Dividend Covering Cost
Yield if held 5 years 2.13% 1.75% 2.52% 3.10% 2.39% 2.95% 2.50% 1.79% 1.49% 1.67% 2.13% 1.80% 1.51% 1.33% 1.08% 0.83% 0.81% 1.79% <-Median-> 10 Paid Median Price
Yield if held 10 years 4.78% 4.01% 4.20% 3.95% 3.09% 3.17% 2.86% 4.37% 6.55% 5.87% 6.60% 4.47% 2.81% 1.91% 1.84% 2.13% 1.80% 3.77% <-Median-> 10 Paid Median Price
Yield if held 15 years 7.30% 6.87% 7.73% 8.66% 8.48% 7.13% 6.55% 7.28% 8.35% 7.58% 7.09% 5.11% 6.85% 8.40% 6.49% 6.60% 4.47% 7.20% <-Median-> 10 Paid Median Price
Yield if held 20 years 4.34% 5.98% 5.47% 4.63% 4.67% 10.88% 11.24% 13.39% 18.30% 20.85% 15.94% 11.71% 11.41% 10.72% 8.38% 7.09% 5.11% 11.56% <-Median-> 10 Paid Median Price
Yield if held 25 years 4.58% 4.17% 4.96% 6.47% 9.77% 9.47% 9.79% 11.48% 24.32% 20.09% 20.98% 23.49% 23.03% 15.94% 11.71% 10.63% <-Median-> 10 Paid Median Price
Yield if held 30 years 7.93% 8.81% 12.19% 14.46% 17.47% 14.84% 12.56% 12.68% 24.32% 20.09% 12.56% <-Median-> 7 Paid Median Price
Yield if held 35 years 12.42% 11.31% 13.47% 14.46% 17.47% 11.87% <-Median-> 2 Paid Median Price
Cost covered if held 5 years 9.43% 7.33% 10.57% 13.88% 11.34% 12.50% 9.44% 6.69% 5.32% 6.14% 8.27% 7.77% 7.05% 6.52% 5.38% 4.13% 4.03% 7.41% <-Median-> 10 Paid Median Price
Cost covered if held 10 years 33.25% 26.86% 28.84% 29.58% 24.93% 22.86% 18.12% 26.88% 37.34% 32.93% 38.10% 28.75% 19.84% 14.68% 15.37% 18.92% 16.75% 25.90% <-Median-> 10 Paid Median Price
Cost covered if held 15 years 60.85% 55.88% 64.58% 79.24% 84.01% 63.45% 51.59% 56.00% 59.51% 52.82% 50.37% 40.20% 58.97% 78.56% 65.37% 71.08% 51.10% 57.49% <-Median-> 10 Paid Median Price
Cost covered if held 20 years 39.59% 53.09% 49.94% 46.37% 50.87% 106.93% 98.31% 114.55% 144.84% 160.67% 125.31% 102.20% 109.43% 112.08% 94.71% 85.81% 65.75% 110.76% <-Median-> 10 Paid Median Price
Cost covered if held 25 years 46.75% 45.50% 57.49% 66.98% 89.99% 85.28% 81.45% 93.07% 201.33% 185.16% 212.82% 260.08% 275.82% 205.00% 160.74% 91.53% <-Median-> 10 Paid Median Price
Cost covered if held 30 years 76.33% 77.09% 102.31% 123.09% 165.51% 154.79% 143.07% 156.46% 322.93% 285.62% 123.09% <-Median-> 7 Paid Median Price
Cost covered if held 35 years 134.51% 132.59% 169.64% 195.37% 252.86% 133.55% <-Median-> 2 Paid Median Price
Yr  Item Tot. Growth
Revenue Growth  $7,792 $7,710 $7,995 $8,814 $12,555 $14,546 $14,824 <-12 mths 1.91% 86.68% <-Total Growth 5 Revenue Growth  86.68%
AEPS Growth $3.29 $3.53 $3.77 $3.77 $3.84 $4.25 $4.41 <-12 mths 3.76% 29.18% <-Total Growth 5 AEPS Growth 29.18%
Net Income Growth $2,440 $2,444 $2,852 $3,517 $3,927 $3,718 $3,951 <-12 mths 6.27% 52.38% <-Total Growth 5 Net Income Growth 52.38%
Cash Flow Growth $2,990 $2,802 $3,688 $4,142 $4,137 $5,269 $2,310 <-12 mths -56.17% 76.22% <-Total Growth 5 Cash Flow Growth 76.22%
Dividend Growth $0.59 $0.69 $0.76 $0.76 $0.76 $0.76 $0.76 <-12 mths 0.00% 28.38% <-Total Growth 5 Dividend Growth 28.38%
Stock Price Growth $66.21 $88.31 $90.98 $100.95 $104.85 $104.08 $110.58 <-12 mths 6.25% 57.21% <-Total Growth 5 Stock Price Growth 57.21%
Revenue Growth  $6,620 $6,712 $6,232 $6,554 $7,316 $7,792 $7,710 $7,995 $8,814 $12,555 $14,546 $15,749 <-this year 8.27% 119.73% <-Total Growth 10 Revenue Growth  119.73%
AEPS Growth $1.71 $1.69 $2.14 $3.30 $2.90 $3.29 $3.53 $3.77 $3.77 $3.84 $4.25 $4.94 <-this year 16.24% 148.83% <-Total Growth 10 AEPS Growth 148.83%
Net Income Growth $1,476 $1,352 $1,599 $2,405 $1,951 $2,440 $2,444 $2,852 $3,517 $3,927 $3,718 $3,718 <-this year 0.00% 151.90% <-Total Growth 10 Net Income Growth 151.90%
Cash Flow Growth $2,123 $2,459 $2,089 $2,182 $2,712 $2,990 $2,802 $3,688 $4,142 $4,137 $5,269 $6,468 <-this year 22.76% 148.19% <-Total Growth 10 Cash Flow Growth 148.19%
Dividend Growth $0.28 $0.28 $0.34 $0.43 $0.49 $0.59 $0.69 $0.76 $0.76 $0.76 $0.76 $0.88 <-this year 16.36% 171.43% <-Total Growth 10 Dividend Growth 171.43%
Stock Price Growth $44.75 $35.35 $38.31 $45.93 $48.45 $66.21 $88.31 $90.98 $100.95 $104.85 $104.08 $126.25 <-this year 21.30% 132.58% <-Total Growth 10 Stock Price Growth 132.58%
Dividends on Shares $67.26 $76.70 $82.60 $82.60 $82.60 $100.30 $125.38 $143.08 $174.64 $202.96 $224.20 $224.20 $224.20 $224.20 $224.20 $224.20 $224.20 $2,481.98 Divs Paid 25 Total Divs 31-Dec-99
Paid  $4,071.59 $5,953.10 $9,478.35 $13,201.25 $10,427.07 $11,302.04 $13,549.94 $14,292.16 $19,530.77 $26,050.27 $26,839.10 $29,780.25 $30,930.75 $30,703.60 $32,621.10 $32,621.10 $32,621.10 $30,703.60 Current Value 25 $3.40
Dividends on Shares $6.44 $7.82 $9.78 $11.16 $13.62 $15.82 $17.48 $17.48 $17.48 $17.48 $17.48 $17.48 $17.48 $134.55 Total Divs 10 Total Divs 31-Dec-14
Paid  $1,029.25 $812.96 $881.18 $1,056.44 $1,114.30 $1,522.74 $2,031.04 $2,092.54 $2,321.85 $2,411.55 $2,393.84 $2,543.34 $2,543.34 $2,543.34 $2,393.84 Worth 10 Worth $44.75
Total $2,528.39
Graham No. AEPS $8.81 $10.70 $15.29 $16.11 $15.46 $17.44 $25.68 $24.83 $27.64 $29.53 $55.56 $59.54 $62.02 $70.04 $75.51 $80.69 $87.02 305.60% <-Total Growth 10 Graham Price AEPS
Price/GP Ratio Med 1.31 1.59 1.77 2.47 2.67 2.05 1.65 2.03 2.07 2.39 1.66 1.58 1.66 1.61 1.47 1.85 <-Median-> 10 Price/GP Ratio
Price/GP Ratio High 1.57 1.89 2.18 3.00 3.14 2.37 1.81 2.33 2.43 2.99 1.79 1.69 1.80 1.76 1.54 2.07 <-Median-> 10 Price/GP Ratio
Price/GP Ratio Low 1.05 1.29 1.36 1.95 2.19 1.72 1.49 1.74 1.70 1.79 1.52 1.47 1.53 1.47 1.41 1.62 <-Median-> 10 Price/GP Ratio
Price/GP Ratio Close 1.57 1.89 2.10 2.78 2.29 2.20 1.79 1.95 2.40 2.99 1.64 1.70 1.69 1.49 1.46 1.37 1.27 1.87 <-Median-> 10 Price/GP Ratio
Prem/Disc Close 56.75% 88.60% 110.14% 177.74% 128.66% 119.66% 78.89% 95.14% 139.54% 199.01% 63.76% 69.55% 69.07% 48.60% 46.44% 37.05% 27.07% 107.40% <-Median-> 10 Graham Price
Graham No. EPS $9.07 $8.58 $13.44 $16.04 $15.39 $17.39 $25.64 $24.05 $28.52 $29.80 $58.50 $59.54 $64.94 $67.78 $74.64 $80.06 $0.00 383.17% <-Total Growth 10 Graham Price EPS
Price/GP Ratio Med 1.27 1.98 2.01 2.49 2.68 2.05 1.65 2.10 2.01 2.37 1.57 1.58 1.59 1.67 1.49 1.84 <-Median-> 10 Price/GP Ratio
Price/GP Ratio High 1.52 2.35 2.48 3.01 3.16 2.38 1.81 2.40 2.36 2.96 1.70 1.69 1.72 1.82 1.55 2.09 <-Median-> 10 Price/GP Ratio
Price/GP Ratio Low 1.02 1.61 1.55 1.96 2.20 1.72 1.49 1.80 1.65 1.77 1.45 1.47 1.46 1.51 1.42 1.58 <-Median-> 10 Price/GP Ratio
Price/GP Ratio Close 1.52 2.35 2.39 2.79 2.30 2.20 1.79 2.01 2.32 2.96 1.56 1.70 1.61 1.54 1.48 1.38 #DIV/0! 1.90 <-Median-> 10 Price/GP Ratio
Prem/Disc Close 52.23% 135.23% 139.07% 179.06% 129.61% 120.28% 79.16% 101.42% 132.11% 196.34% 55.52% 69.55% 61.47% 53.55% 48.16% 38.13% #DIV/0! 110.85% <-Median-> 10 Graham Price
CPL price
CPR price
Pre 2021 split $69.01 $100.90 $160.65 $223.75 $176.73 $191.56 $229.66 $242.24 $331.03 $441.53
Price Close $13.80 $20.18 $32.13 $44.75 $35.35 $38.31 $45.93 $48.45 $66.21 $88.31 $90.98 $100.95 $104.85 $104.08 $110.58 $110.58 $110.58 132.58% <-Total Growth 10 Stock Price
Increase 6.65% 46.21% 59.22% 39.28% -21.01% 8.39% 19.89% 5.48% 36.65% 33.38% 3.03% 10.96% 3.86% -0.73% 6.25% 0.00% 0.00% 20.64 <-Median-> 10 CAPE (10 Yr P/E)
P/E 20.66 36.16 32.39 26.45 21.04 18.02 13.97 17.80 18.89 24.57 21.77 26.78 24.90 26.15 22.91 19.92 #DIV/0! 9.47% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Stock Price 57.21%
Trailing P/E 17.92 30.21 57.58 45.11 20.89 22.80 21.60 14.73 24.32 25.20 25.31 24.15 27.81 24.72 27.78 22.91 19.92 8.81% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Stock Price 132.58%
CAPE (10 Yr P/E) 13.69 15.68 17.85 19.57 20.16 20.46 19.76 19.91 19.89 20.81 20.98 21.47 21.58 21.89 22.06 21.98 #DIV/0! 10.41% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Price & Dividend 62.84%
Median 10, 5 Yrs D.  per yr 0.85% 0.95% % Tot Ret 8.83% 9.08% T P/E 24.24 25.20 P/E:  21.40 24.90 9.66% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Price & Dividend 145.65%
Price 15 D.  per yr 1.37% % Tot Ret 7.90% CAPE Diff 11.02% 15.91% <-IRR #YR-> 15 Stock Price 816.36%
Price  20 D.  per yr 1.26% % Tot Ret 8.49% 13.58% <-IRR #YR-> 20 Stock Price 1175.49%
Price  25 D.  per yr 1.57% % Tot Ret 9.64% 14.67% <-IRR #YR-> 25 Stock Price 2961.18%
Price  30 D.  per yr 1.48% % Tot Ret 9.64% 13.92% <-IRR #YR-> 30 Stock Price 4885.87%
Price  35 D.  per yr 1.11% % Tot Ret 8.99% 11.22% <-IRR #YR-> 35 Stock Price
Price  40 D.  per yr 1.28% % Tot Ret 9.99% 11.54% <-IRR #YR-> 36 Stock Price
Price & Dividend 15 17.28% <-IRR #YR-> 15 Price & Dividend 878.91%
Price & Dividend 20 14.83% <-IRR #YR-> 20 Price & Dividend 1272.89%
Price & Dividend 25 16.23% <-IRR #YR-> 25 Price & Dividend 3208.63%
Price & Dividend 30 15.40% <-IRR #YR-> 30 Price & Dividend 5302.04%
Price & Dividend 35 12.32% <-IRR #YR-> 35 Price & Dividend
Price & Dividend 40 12.83% <-IRR #YR-> 36 Price & Dividend
Price  5 -$66.21 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $104.08 Price  5
Price 10 -$44.75 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $104.08 Price 10
Price & Dividend 5 -$66.21 $0.69 $0.76 $0.76 $0.76 $104.84 Price & Dividend 5
Price & Dividend 10 -$44.75 $0.28 $0.34 $0.43 $0.49 $0.59 $0.69 $0.76 $0.76 $0.76 $104.84 Price & Dividend 10
Price 15 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $104.08 Price 15
Price  20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $104.08 Price  20
Price  25 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $104.08 Price  25
Price  30 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $104.08 Price  30
Price  35 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $104.08 Price  35
Price  40 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $104.08 Price  40
Price & Dividend 15 $0.23 $0.26 $0.28 $0.28 $0.28 $0.34 $0.43 $0.49 $0.59 $0.69 $0.76 $0.76 $0.76 $104.84 Price & Dividend 15
Price & Dividend 20 $0.23 $0.26 $0.28 $0.28 $0.28 $0.34 $0.43 $0.49 $0.59 $0.69 $0.76 $0.76 $0.76 $104.84 Price & Dividend 20
Price & Dividend 25 $0.23 $0.26 $0.28 $0.28 $0.28 $0.34 $0.43 $0.49 $0.59 $0.69 $0.76 $0.76 $0.76 $104.84 Price & Dividend 25
Price & Dividend 30 $0.23 $0.26 $0.28 $0.28 $0.28 $0.34 $0.43 $0.49 $0.59 $0.69 $0.76 $0.76 $0.76 $104.84 Price & Dividend 30
Price & Dividend 35 $0.23 $0.26 $0.28 $0.28 $0.28 $0.34 $0.43 $0.49 $0.59 $0.69 $0.76 $0.76 $0.76 $104.84 Price & Dividend 35
Price & Dividend 40 $0.23 $0.26 $0.28 $0.28 $0.28 $0.34 $0.43 $0.49 $0.59 $0.69 $0.76 $0.76 $0.76 $104.84 Price & Dividend 40
Price H/L Median $11.52 $17.01 $27.07 $39.86 $41.20 $35.67 $42.30 $50.47 $57.20 $70.58 $91.98 $94.19 $103.26 $112.90 $111.03 183.28% <-Total Growth 10 Stock Price
Increase -1.64% 47.58% 59.16% 47.25% 3.37% -13.41% 18.59% 19.30% 13.34% 23.40% 30.31% 2.40% 9.63% 9.34% -1.66% 10.97% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Stock Price 183.28%
P/E 17.25 30.48 27.28 23.55 24.52 16.78 12.87 18.54 16.32 19.64 22.00 24.98 24.53 28.37 23.01 28.92% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Stock Price 97.38%
Trailing P/E 14.96 25.46 48.51 40.18 24.35 21.23 19.90 15.35 21.01 20.14 25.59 22.53 27.39 26.82 27.90 11.85% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Price & Dividend
P/E on Run. 5 yr Ave 13.77 24.12 36.36 42.58 36.85 25.31 21.63 21.93 21.47 23.17 26.60 26.50 26.81 28.61 26.48 30.42% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Price & Dividend
P/E on Run. 10 yr Ave 15.34 22.83 34.11 43.76 40.75 31.76 31.80 33.14 31.78 33.90 37.80 34.19 33.56 34.16 30.67 16.55 P/E Ratio Historical Median
Median 10, 5 Yrs D.  per yr 0.87% 1.50% % Tot Ret 7.38% 4.93% T P/E 21.88 25.59 P/E:  20.82 24.53 Count 37 Years of data
-$39.86 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $112.90
-$31.70 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $112.90
-$39.86 $0.28 $0.34 $0.43 $0.49 $0.59 $0.69 $0.76 $0.76 $0.76 $113.66
-$31.70 $0.69 $0.76 $0.76 $0.76 $113.66
CP price
CPR price
High Months Dec Dec Dec Oct Mar Dec Dec Oct Dec Dec May Dec May Mar Jan
Pre 2021 split $69.01 $100.98 $166.56 $241.67 $242.89 $206.87 $232.12 $288.70 $336.50 $441.53
Price High $13.80 $20.20 $33.31 $48.33 $48.58 $41.37 $46.42 $57.74 $67.30 $88.31 $99.32 $100.87 $111.66 $123.13 $115.95 154.75% <-Total Growth 10 Stock Price
Increase 3.22% 46.33% 64.94% 45.09% 0.50% -14.83% 12.21% 24.38% 16.56% 31.21% 12.47% 1.56% 10.70% 10.27% -5.83% 9.80% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Stock Price 154.75%
P/E 20.66 36.19 33.58 28.57 28.92 19.46 14.12 21.21 19.21 24.57 23.76 26.76 26.52 30.94 24.03 12.84% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Stock Price 82.96%
Trailing P/E 17.92 30.23 59.70 48.72 28.71 24.63 21.84 17.56 24.72 25.20 27.63 24.13 29.62 29.25 29.13 17.37 P/E Ratio Historical Median
Median 10, 5 Yrs T P/E 24.96 27.63 P/E:  24.17 26.52 26.62 P/E Ratio Historical High
-$48.33 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $123.13
-$67.30 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $123.13
CP price
CPR price
Low Mths Sep Jan Jan Jan Dec Jan Aug Feb Jan Mar Jan Jun Nov Jan Jan
Price Low $9.24 $13.82 $20.82 $31.38 $33.82 $29.97 $38.18 $43.20 $47.10 $52.86 $84.64 $87.50 $94.85 $102.67 $106.11 227.22% <-Total Growth 10 Stock Price
Increase -8.09% 49.46% 50.69% 50.70% 7.78% -11.38% 27.42% 13.13% 9.03% 12.24% 60.11% 3.38% 8.40% 8.24% 3.35% 12.59% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Stock Price 227.22%
P/E 13.84 24.76 20.99 18.54 20.13 14.10 11.61 15.87 13.44 14.71 20.25 23.21 22.53 25.80 21.99 16.87% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Stock Price 117.99%
Trailing P/E 12.01 20.68 37.31 31.63 19.99 17.84 17.96 13.14 17.30 15.09 23.55 20.93 25.16 24.39 26.66 13.06 P/E Ratio Historical Median
Median 10, 5 Yrs T P/E 18.97 23.55 P/E:  18.00 22.53 8.92 P/E Ratio Historical Low
-$31.38 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $102.67
Free Cash Flow  Mkt Scen $1,343 $1,131 $2,156 $2,585 $1,669 $2,444 $3,330 $4,141
Change -15.79% 90.63% 19.90% -35.44% 46.43% 36.25% 24.35%
Free Cash Flow  WSJ -$592 $180 $714 $674 $937 $907 $842 $1,161 $1,343 $1,131 $2,156 $2,585 $1,638 $2,444 $3,330 $4,141 262.61% <-Total Growth 10 Free Cash Flow
Change -164.29% 130.41% 296.67% -5.60% 39.02% -3.20% -7.17% 37.89% 15.68% -15.79% 90.63% 19.90% -36.63% 49.21% 36.25% 24.35% 12.72% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Free Cash Flow MS 81.98%
FCF/CF from Op Ratio -1.16 0.14 0.37 0.32 0.38 0.43 0.39 0.43 0.45 0.40 0.58 0.62 0.40 0.46 0.51 0.55 13.75% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Free Cash Flow MS 262.61%
Dividends paid $194 $226 $246 $233 $226 $255 $310 $348 $412 $467 $507 $507 $708 $709 $709 $709 204.89% <-Total Growth 10 Dividends paid
Percentage paid -32.74% 125.59% 34.39% 34.50% 24.12% 28.11% 36.82% 29.97% 30.68% 41.29% 23.52% 19.61% 43.25% 29.01% 21.31% 17.13% 29.49% <-Median-> 10 Percentage paid
5 Year Coverage 142.70% 58.75% 34.74% 31.15% 30.34% 29.88% 33.28% 30.82% 26.76% 29.38% 29.12% 25.84% 23.65% 5 Year Coverage
Dividend Coverage Ratio -3.05 0.80 2.91 2.90 4.15 3.56 2.72 3.34 3.26 2.42 4.25 5.10 2.31 3.45 4.69 5.84 3.39 <-Median-> 10 Dividend Coverage Ratio
5 Year of Coverage 0.70 1.70 2.88 3.21 3.30 3.35 3.00 3.25 3.74 3.40 3.43 3.87 4.23 5 Year of Coverage
Free Cash Flow Company -$314 $93 $530 $969 $1,381 $1,007 $874 $1,289 $1,357 $1,157 $1,793 $2,733 $2,151 $2,688 $3,330 $4,141 177.40% <-Total Growth 10 Free Cash Flow
Change 129.62% 469.89% 82.83% 42.52% -27.08% -13.21% 47.48% 5.28% -14.74% 54.97% 52.43% -21.30% 24.97% 23.88% 24.35% 14.65% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Free Cash Flow MS 98.08%
FCF/CF from Op Ratio -0.61 0.07 0.27 0.46 0.56 0.48 0.40 0.48 0.45 0.41 0.49 0.66 0.52 0.51 0.51 0.55 10.74% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Free Cash Flow MS 177.40%
Dividends paid $194 $226 $246 $233 $226 $255 $310 $348 $412 $467 $507 $707 $707 $709 $709 $709 204.89% <-Total Growth 10 Dividends paid
Percentage paid -61.72% 243.09% 46.33% 24.00% 16.36% 25.32% 35.47% 27.00% 30.36% 40.36% 28.28% 25.87% 32.87% 26.38% 21.31% 17.13% 27.64% <-Median-> 10 Percentage paid
5 Year Coverage 70.26% 42.27% 29.78% 26.66% 24.85% 26.25% 31.53% 31.59% 29.31% 30.46% 29.43% 26.31% 23.55% 5 Year Coverage
Dividend Coverage Ratio -1.62 0.41 2.16 4.17 6.11 3.95 2.82 3.70 3.29 2.48 3.54 3.87 3.04 3.79 4.69 5.84 3.62 <-Median-> 10 Dividend Coverage Ratio
5 Year of Coverage 1.42 2.37 3.36 3.75 4.02 3.81 3.17 3.17 3.41 3.28 3.40 3.80 4.25 5 Year of Coverage
Market Cap $11,732 $17,547 $28,178 $37,165 $27,040 $28,025 $33,278 $34,035 $45,351 $58,856 $84,584 $93,934 $97,731 $97,159 $103,226 $103,226 $103,226 161.43% <-Total Growth 10 Market Cap
Diluted # of Shares in Million 853.0 866.0 882.5 872.0 955.0 752.5 731.5 716.5 696.5 680.0 679.7 932.9 933.7 934.6 934.6 7.18% <-Total Growth 10 Diluted
Change 0.47% 1.52% 1.91% -1.19% 9.52% -21.20% -2.79% -2.05% -2.79% -2.37% -0.04% 37.25% 0.09% 0.10% 0.00% -1.05% <-Median-> 10 Change
Difference Diluted/Basic -0.6% -0.8% -0.9% -0.9% -16.4% -0.6% -0.3% -0.3% -0.4% -0.4% 0.5% -0.3% -0.3% -0.2% -0.2% -0.29% <-Median-> 10 Difference Diluted/Basic
Basic # of Shares in Millions 847.5 859.0 874.5 864.0 798.5 748.0 729.5 714.5 694.0 677.5 682.8 930.0 931.3 933.0 933.0 7.99% <-Total Growth 10 Average
Change 0.41% 1.36% 1.80% -1.20% -7.58% -6.32% -2.47% -2.06% -2.87% -2.38% 0.78% 36.20% 0.14% 0.18% 0.00% -2.22% <-Median-> 10 Change
Difference Basic/Outstanding 0.3% 1.2% 0.3% -3.9% -4.2% -2.2% -0.7% -1.7% -1.3% -1.6% 36.2% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% -0.99% <-Median-> 10 Difference Basic/Outstanding
$2,310 <-12 mths 147.40% Cowen
# of Share in Millions 850.0 869.5 877.0 830.5 765.0 731.5 724.5 702.5 685.0 666.5 929.7 930.5 932.1 933.5 933.5 933.5 933.5 1.18% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Shares 12.40%
Change 0.47% 2.29% 0.86% -5.30% -7.89% -4.38% -0.96% -3.04% -2.49% -2.70% 39.49% 0.09% 0.17% 0.15% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 6.39% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Shares 36.28%
CF fr Op $M $512 $1,328 $1,950 $2,123 $2,459 $2,089 $2,182 $2,712 $2,990 $2,802 $3,688 $4,142 $4,137 $5,269 $6,468 $7,485 148.19% <-Total Growth 10 Cash Flow
Increase 1.97% 159.38% 46.84% 8.87% 15.83% -15.05% 4.45% 24.29% 10.25% -6.29% 31.62% 12.31% -0.12% 27.36% 22.76% 15.72% SO S. Issue Buy Backs
5 year Running Average $792 $795 $969 $1,283 $1,674 $1,990 $2,161 $2,313 $2,486 $2,555 $2,875 $3,267 $3,552 $4,008 $4,741 $5,500 212.36% <-Total Growth 10 CF 5 Yr Running
CFPS $0.60 $1.53 $2.22 $2.56 $3.21 $2.86 $3.01 $3.86 $4.36 $4.20 $3.97 $4.45 $4.44 $5.64 $6.93 $8.02 120.80% <-Total Growth 10 Cash Flow per Share
Increase 1.49% 153.56% 45.58% 14.97% 25.74% -11.16% 5.46% 28.18% 13.07% -3.69% -5.64% 12.21% -0.29% 27.17% 22.76% 15.72% 9.52% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Cash Flow 148.19%
5 year Running Average $0.99 $0.96 $1.12 $1.50 $2.02 $2.48 $2.77 $3.10 $3.46 $3.66 $3.88 $4.17 $4.29 $4.54 $5.09 $5.90 12.00% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Cash Flow 76.22%
P/CF on Med Price 19.13 11.13 12.17 15.59 12.82 12.49 14.05 13.07 13.10 16.79 23.19 21.16 23.26 20.00 16.02 0.00 8.24% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Cash Flow per Share 120.80%
P/CF on Closing Price 22.91 13.21 14.45 17.51 11.00 13.42 15.25 12.55 15.17 21.00 22.93 22.68 23.62 18.44 15.96 13.79 5.28% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Cash Flow per Share 29.31%
3.51% Diff M/C
11.71% <-IRR #YR-> 10 CFPS 5 yr Running 202.61%
Excl.Working Capital CF $88 $89 $53 $110 -$39 $253 $251 $14 -$117 $378 $102 -$998 -$52 -$10 $0 $0 5.58% <-IRR #YR-> 5 CFPS 5 yr Running 31.19%
CF fr Op $M WC $600.0 $1,417.0 $2,003.0 $2,233.0 $2,420.0 $2,342.0 $2,433.0 $2,726.0 $2,873.0 $3,180.0 $3,790.0 $3,144.0 $4,085.0 $5,259.0 $6,468.2 $7,484.8 135.51% <-Total Growth 10 Cash Flow less WC
Increase 8.97% 136.17% 41.35% 11.48% 8.37% -3.22% 3.89% 12.04% 5.39% 10.69% 19.18% -17.04% 29.93% 28.74% 22.99% 15.72% 8.94% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Cash Flow less WC 135.51%
5 year Running Average $826 $858 $1,009 $1,361 $1,735 $2,083 $2,286 $2,431 $2,559 $2,711 $3,000 $3,143 $3,414 $3,892 $4,549 $5,288 12.85% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Cash Flow less WC 83.05%
CFPS Excl. WC $0.71 $1.63 $2.28 $2.69 $3.16 $3.20 $3.36 $3.88 $4.19 $4.77 $4.08 $3.38 $4.38 $5.63 $6.93 $8.02 11.08% <-IRR #YR-> 10 CF less WC 5 Yr Run 186.00%
Increase 8.46% 130.87% 40.15% 17.72% 17.65% 1.21% 4.89% 15.55% 8.09% 13.76% -14.56% -17.12% 29.71% 28.55% 22.99% 15.72% 8.75% <-IRR #YR-> 5 CF less WC 5 Yr Run 52.09%
5 year Running Average $1.04 $1.03 $1.17 $1.59 $2.09 $2.59 $2.94 $3.26 $3.56 $3.88 $4.06 $4.06 $4.16 $4.45 $4.88 $5.67 7.68% <-IRR #YR-> 10 CFPS - Less WC 109.53%
P/CF on Med Price 16.32 10.44 11.85 14.82 13.02 11.14 12.60 13.01 13.64 14.79 22.56 27.88 23.56 20.04 16.02 0.00 6.08% <-IRR #YR-> 5 CFPS - Less WC 34.32%
P/CF on Closing Price 19.55 12.38 14.07 16.64 11.17 11.97 13.68 12.49 15.79 18.51 22.32 29.88 23.92 18.47 15.96 13.79 10.82% <-IRR #YR-> 10 CFPS 5 yr Running 179.47%
*Operational Cash Flow per share CF/-WC P/CF Med 10 yr 15.42 5 yr  21.16 P/CF Med 10 yr 14.22 5 yr  22.56 12.26% Diff M/C 4.56% <-IRR #YR-> 5 CFPS 5 yr Running 24.98%
-$2.56 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $6 Cash Flow per Share
-$4.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5.64 Cash Flow per Share
-$1.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4.54 CFPS 5 yr Running
-$3.46 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4.54 CFPS 5 yr Running
-$2,233 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,259 Cash Flow less WC
-$2,873 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,259 Cash Flow less WC
-$1,360.7 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $3,891.6 CF less WC 5 Yr Run
-$2,558.8 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $3,891.6 CF less WC 5 Yr Run
-$2.69 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5.63 CFPS - Less WC
-$4.19 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5.63 CFPS - Less WC
-$1.59 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4.45 CFPS 5 yr Running
-$3.56 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4.45 CFPS 5 yr Running
Change in non-cash working $24.0 -$5.0 -$2.0 -$124.0 $24
Accounts Receivable $89.0 $44.0 -$91.0 -$107 $27 -$61 $32 -$147 -$317
Materials and supplies $15.0 $14.0 $9.0 -$11 -$8 -$15 -$14 -$27 $1
Other current assets $55.0 -$18.0 -$26.0 $30 -$24 -$5 $24 -$13 -$49
Accounts Payable and Accrued Liab $125.0 -$95.0 -$30.0 $153 -$21 -$308 -$108 $95 $57
Dividends from Kansas City Southern $1,157 $300 $0
Other operating activities, net -$112.0 -$84.0 -$51.0 $14.0 -$245.0 -$198.0 -$113.0 -$79.0 $143.0 $11.0 -$36.0 -$67.0 $60.0 -$14.0 old Labour restructuring & this
                            now one Item.  Old -17, 14 for this items, now -3
Sum -$88.0 -$89.0 -$53.0 -$110.0 $39.0 -$253.0 -$251.0 -$14 $117 -$378 -$102 $998 $52 $10
Google --> Morningstar -$89.0 -$53.0 -$110.0 $275.0 -$55.0 -$138.0 $65 -$26 -$389 -$66 -$92 $52 $10
Differnce $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 -$236.0 -$198.0 -$113.0 -$79 $143 $11 -$36 $1,090 $0 $0
TD in 2023 $117 -$378 -$102 $998
Differnce $0 $0 $0 $0
OPM 9.89% 23.32% 31.80% 32.07% 36.64% 33.52% 33.29% 37.07% 38.37% 36.34% 46.13% 46.99% 32.95% 36.22% 41.07% 12.95% <-Total Growth 10 OPM
Increase -1.88% 135.78% 36.35% 0.86% 14.24% -8.50% -0.68% 11.34% 3.52% -5.29% 26.93% 1.87% -29.88% 9.93% 13.38% Should increase  or be stable.
Diff from Median -72.9% -36.1% -12.9% -12.1% 0.4% -8.1% -8.8% 1.6% 5.2% -0.4% 26.4% 28.8% -9.7% -0.7% 12.6% 0.00 <-Median-> 10 OPM
*Operational Profit Margin (CF/Revenue) Ratio OPM 10 Yrs 36.49% 5 Yrs 36.34% should be  zero, it is a   check on calculations
$7,509 <-12 mths 2.26%
Adjusted EBITDA $3,618 $3,908 $4,161 $4,303 $5,225 $6,785 $7,343 $8,255 $9,102 #DIV/0! <-Total Growth 6 Adjusted EBITDA
Change 8.02% 6.47% 3.41% 21.43% 29.86% 8.22% 12.42% 10.26% 8.12% <-Median-> 6 Change
Margin  49.45% 50.15% 53.97% 53.82% 59.28% 54.04% 50.48% 52.42% 53.87% 0.54 <-Median-> 7 EBITDA Margin
Long Term Debt $5,759 $8,957 $8,684 $7,613 $8,190 $8,158 $8,585 $18,577 $18,141 $19,351 $19,804 $19,804 243.88% <-Total Growth 10 Debt Type
Change 55.53% -3.05% -12.33% 7.58% -0.39% 5.23% 116.39% -2.35% 6.67% 2.34% 0.00% 3.79% <-Median-> 10 Change Lg Term R
Debt/Market Cap Ratio 0.15 0.33 0.31 0.23 0.24 0.18 0.15 0.22 0.19 0.20 0.20 0.19 0.21 <-Median-> 10 % of Market C. Intang/GW
Assets/Current Liabilities Ratio 11.79 13.57 14.27 10.15 10.87 9.76 8.91 21.58 22.87 13.99 15.50 15.50 13.78 <-Median-> 10 Assets/Current Liab Ratio Liquidity
Current Liabilities/Asset Ratio 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.10 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.05 0.04 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.07 <-Median-> 10 Current Liab/Asset Ratio Liq. + CF
Debt to Cash Flow (Years) 2.71 3.64 4.16 3.49 3.02 2.73 3.06 5.04 4.38 4.68 3.76 3.06 3.70 <-Median-> 10 Debt to Cash Flow (Years) Debt Ratio
Intangibles $146 $150 $164 $198 $191 $178 $194 $194 $37 $43 $42 $2,974 $3,146 1818.29% <-Total Growth 10 Intangibles D/E Ratio
Goodwill $15 $12 $12 $13 $11 $9 $8 $12 $329 $328 $344 $17,729 $19,350 161150.00% <-Total Growth 10 Goodwill
Total $161 $162 $176 $211 $202 $187 $202 $206 $366 $371 $386 $20,703 $22,496 $22,496 12681.82% <-Total Growth 10 Total
Change 0.62% 8.64% 19.89% -4.27% -7.43% 8.02% 1.98% 77.67% 1.37% 4.04% 5263.47% 8.66% 0.00% 6.03% <-Median-> 10 Change
Intangible/Market Cap Ratio 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.23 0.22 0.01 <-Median-> 10 % of Market C.
Current Assets $856.0 $1,329 $2,029 $1,277 $1,537 $1,009 $1,274 $1,117 $1,210 $1,321 $1,352 $1,889 $3,002 $3,384 $3,384 Liquidity ratio of 1.5 and up, best
Current Liabilities $1,210.0 $1,230 $1,378 $1,411 $1,447 $1,347 $1,984 $1,955 $2,292 $2,653 $3,159 $3,213 $5,710 $5,661 $5,661 0.58 <-Median-> 10 Ratio
Liquidity 0.71 1.08 1.47 0.91 1.06 0.75 0.64 0.57 0.53 0.50 0.43 0.59 0.53 0.60 0.60 0.53 <-Median-> 5 Ratio
Liq. with CF aft div 0.97 1.98 2.71 2.24 2.61 2.12 1.59 1.78 1.66 1.38 1.37 1.66 1.13 1.40 1.62 1.38 <-Median-> 5 Ratio
Liq. CF re  Inv+Div  0.52 1.08 1.25 1.47 1.47 1.18 0.96 1.02 0.93 0.78 0.26 1.13 0.82 0.94 1.62 0.82 <-Median-> 5 Ratio
Port. Lg Term Dt $281.7 $54 $189 $134 $30 $25 $746 $506 $599 $1,186 $1,550 $1,510 $3,143 $2,819 $2,819
Liquidity Less CLTD 0.92 1.13 1.71 1.00 1.08 0.76 1.03 0.77 0.71 0.90 0.84 1.11 1.17 1.19 1.19 1.11 <-Median-> 5 Ratio
Liq. with CF aft div 1.26 2.07 3.14 2.48 2.67 2.16 2.54 2.41 2.24 2.50 2.69 3.13 2.51 2.80 3.22 2.69 <-Median-> 5 Ratio
Assets $14,110 $14,727 $17,060 $16,640 $19,637 $19,221 $20,135 $21,254 $22,367 $23,640 $68,177 $73,495 $79,902 $87,744 $87,744 Debt Ratio of 1.5 and up, best
Liabilities $9,461 $9,630 $9,963 $11,030 $14,841 $14,595 $13,698 $14,618 $15,298 $16,321 $34,348 $34,609 $37,491 $38,854 $38,854 1.47 <-Median-> 10 Ratio
Debt Ratio 1.49 1.53 1.71 1.51 1.32 1.32 1.47 1.45 1.46 1.45 1.98 2.12 2.13 2.26 2.26 2.12 <-Median-> 5 Ratio
Estimates BVPS $53.60 $55.90 Estimates Estimates BVPS
Estimate Book Value $50,035.6 $52,182.7 Estimates Estimate Book Value
P/B Ratio (Close) 2.06 1.98 Estimates P/B Ratio (Close)
Difference from 10 year median -59.16% Diff M/C Estimates Difference from 10 yr med.
Book Value $38,886 $42,411 $48,890
NCI $0 $919 $998
Net Book Value $4,649 $5,097 $7,097 $5,610 $4,796 $4,626 $6,437 $6,636 $7,069 $7,319 $33,829 $38,886 $41,492 $47,892 $47,892 $47,892 $47,892 753.69% <-Total Growth 10 Book Value
Book Value per Share $5.47 $5.86 $8.09 $6.75 $6.27 $6.32 $8.88 $9.45 $10.32 $10.98 $36.39 $41.79 $44.51 $51.30 $51.30 $51.30 $51.30 659.50% <-Total Growth 10 Book Value per Share
Change -4.10% 7.18% 38.05% -16.53% -7.19% 0.87% 40.49% 6.32% 9.25% 6.41% 231.36% 14.85% 6.52% 15.25% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -57.34% P/B Ratio Current/10 Year Median
P/B Ratio (Median) 2.11 2.90 3.34 5.90 6.57 5.64 4.76 5.34 5.54 6.43 2.53 2.25 2.32 2.20 2.16 0.00 0.00 2.07 P/B Ratio Historical Median
P/B Ratio (Close) 2.52 3.44 3.97 6.62 5.64 6.06 5.17 5.13 6.42 8.04 2.50 2.42 2.36 2.03 2.16 2.16 2.16 22.48% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Book Value per Share 659.50%
Change 11.20% 36.42% 15.33% 66.85% -14.90% 7.45% -14.67% -0.79% 25.09% 25.35% -68.91% -3.39% -2.49% -13.87% 6.25% 0.00% 0.00% 37.81% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Book Value per Share 397.14%
Leverage (A/BK) 3.04 2.89 2.40 2.97 4.09 4.15 3.13 3.20 3.16 3.23 2.02 1.89 1.93 1.83 1.83 3.15 <-Median-> 10 A/BV
Debt/Equity Ratio 2.04 1.89 1.40 1.97 3.09 3.15 2.13 2.20 2.16 2.23 1.02 0.89 0.90 0.81 0.81 2.15 <-Median-> 10 Debt/Eq Ratio
Sharerholders Equity (Assets less liabilities) P/BV 10 yr Med 5.05 5 yr Med 2.32 -57.34% Diff M/C 2.61 Historical Leverage (A/BK)
-$6.75 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $51.30
-$10.32 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $51.30
Comprehensive Income -$80.00 $452 $2,140 $760 $2,094 $1,277 $2,463 $1,649 $1,961 $2,152 $3,563 $5,711 $3,205 $7,093
NCI $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 -$13 $77
Shareholders -$80.00 $452 $2,140 $760 $2,094 $1,277 $2,463 $1,649 $1,961 $2,152 $3,563 $5,711 $3,218 $7,016 823.16% <-Total Growth 10 Comprehensive Income
Increase -125.84% 665.00% 373.45% -64.49% 175.53% -39.02% 92.87% -33.05% 18.92% 9.74% 65.57% 60.29% -43.65% 118.02% 60.29% <-Median-> 5 Comprehensive Income
5 Yr Running Average $475 $385 $681 $716 $1,073 $1,345 $1,747 $1,649 $1,889 $1,900 $2,358 $3,007 $3,321 $4,332 24.89% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Comprehensive Income 823.16%
ROE -1.7% 8.9% 30.2% 13.5% 43.7% 27.6% 38.3% 24.8% 27.7% 29.4% 10.5% 14.7% 7.8% 14.6% 29.04% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Comprehensive Income 257.78%
5Yr Median 8.7% 8.7% 8.7% 8.9% 13.5% 27.6% 30.2% 27.6% 27.7% 27.7% 27.7% 24.8% 14.7% 14.6% 19.72% <-IRR #YR-> 10 5 Yr Running Average 504.76%
% Difference from NI -114.0% -6.6% 144.6% -48.5% 54.9% -20.1% 2.4% -15.5% -19.6% -11.9% 24.9% 62.4% -18.1% 88.7% 18.06% <-IRR #YR-> 5 5 Yr Running Average 129.35%
Median Values Diff 5, 10 yr 27.6% 24.8% 14.6% <-Median-> 5 Return on Equity
-$760.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $7,016.0
-$1,961.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $7,016.0
-$716.3 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $4,332.0
-$1,888.8 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $4,332.0
Current Liability Coverage Ratio 0.50 1.15 1.45 1.58 1.67 1.74 1.23 1.39 1.25 1.20 1.20 0.98 0.72 0.93 1.14   CFO / Current Liabilities
5 year Median 0.50 0.50 0.50 1.15 1.45 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.39 1.25 1.23 1.20 1.20 0.98 0.98 0.98 <-Median-> 5 Current Liability Cov Ratio
Asset Efficiency Ratio 4.25% 9.62% 11.74% 13.42% 12.32% 12.18% 12.08% 12.83% 12.84% 13.45% 5.56% 4.28% 5.11% 5.99% 7.37% CFO / Total Assets
5 year Median 4.25% 4.25% 4.25% 9.62% 11.74% 12.18% 12.18% 12.32% 12.32% 12.83% 12.83% 12.83% 5.56% 5.56% 5.56% 5.6% <-Median-> 5 Return on Assets 
Return on Assets 4.04% 3.29% 5.13% 8.87% 6.88% 8.32% 11.94% 9.18% 10.91% 10.34% 4.18% 4.79% 4.91% 4.24% 5.14% Net  Income/Assets Return on Assets
5Yr Median 4.04% 4.00% 4.04% 4.76% 5.13% 6.88% 8.32% 8.87% 9.18% 10.34% 10.34% 9.18% 4.91% 4.79% 4.79% 4.8% <-Median-> 5 Asset Efficiency Ratio
ROE 12.26% 9.50% 12.33% 26.31% 28.19% 34.57% 37.36% 29.40% 34.52% 33.39% 8.43% 9.04% 9.46% 7.76% 9.42% Net Inc/ Shareholders' equity Return on Equity
5Yr Running Ave 12.30% 10.77% 11.25% 14.87% 17.46% 21.25% 26.98% 31.25% 32.97% 33.78% 19.73% 14.09% 11.80% 9.71% 8.82% 9.0% <-Median-> 5 Return on Equity
$3,951 <-12 mths 6.27%
Net Income $570 $484 $875 $1,476 $1,352 $1,599 $2,405 $1,951 $2,440 $2,444 $2,852 $3,517 $3,923 $3,713
NCI $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 -$4 -$5
Shareholders $570 $484 $875 $1,476 $1,352 $1,599 $2,405 $1,951 $2,440 $2,444 $2,852 $3,517 $3,927 $3,718 $4,512 $5,078 151.90% <-Total Growth 10 Net Income
Increase -12.40% -15.09% 80.79% 68.69% -8.40% 18.27% 50.41% -18.88% 25.06% 0.16% 16.69% 23.32% 11.66% -5.32% 21.36% 12.54% EPS/CF Ratio should not be higher than 1.00
5 Yr Running Average $680 $587 $638 $811 $951 $1,157 $1,541 $1,757 $1,949 $2,168 $2,418 $2,641 $3,036 $3,292 $3,705 $4,150 9.68% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Net Income 151.90%
Operating Cash Flow $512 $1,328 $1,950 $2,123 $2,459 $2,089 $2,182 $2,712 $2,990 $2,802 $3,688 $4,142 $4,137 $5,269 8.79% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Net Income 52.38%
Investment Cash Flow -$1,044 -$1,011 -$1,597 -$750 -$1,123 -$1,069 -$1,295 -$1,458 -$1,803 -$2,030 -$13,730 -$1,496 -$2,162 -$2,796 15.04% <-IRR #YR-> 10 5 Yr Running Ave. 305.80%
Total Accruals $1,102 $167 $522 $103 $16 $579 $1,518 $697 $1,253 $1,672 $12,894 $871 $1,952 $1,245 11.05% <-IRR #YR-> 5 5 Yr Running Ave. 68.85%
Total Assets $14,110 $14,727 $17,060 $16,640 $19,637 $19,221 $20,135 $21,254 $22,367 $23,640 $68,177 $73,495 $79,902 $87,744 Balance Sheet Assets
Accruals Ratio 7.81% 1.13% 3.06% 0.62% 0.08% 3.01% 7.54% 3.28% 5.60% 7.07% 18.91% 1.19% 2.44% 1.42% 2.44% <-Median-> 5 Ratio
EPS/CF Ratio 0.95 0.34 0.43 0.63 0.53 0.66 0.98 0.70 0.84 0.75 1.03 1.12 0.96 0.71 0.79 <-Median-> 10 EPS/CF Ratio
-$1,476.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $3,718.0
-$2,440.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $3,718.0
-$811.1 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $3,291.6
-$1,949.4 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $3,291.6
Change in Close 6.65% 46.21% 59.22% 39.28% -21.01% 8.39% 19.89% 5.48% 36.65% 33.38% 3.03% 10.96% 3.86% -0.73% 6.25% 0.00% 0.00% Count 31 Years of data
up/down down down down down down down Count 12 38.71%
Meet Prediction? % right Count 1 8.33%
Financial Cash Flow $217 -$30 -$220 -$1,630 -$957 -$1,493 -$7 -$1,542 -$1,111 -$764 $9,936 -$2,297 -$1,955 -$2,252 C F Statement  Financial Cash Flow
Total Accruals $885 $197 $742 $1,733 $973 $2,072 $1,525 $2,239 $2,364 $2,436 $2,958 $3,168 $3,907 $3,497 Accruals
Accruals Ratio 6.27% 1.34% 4.35% 10.41% 4.95% 10.78% 7.57% 10.53% 10.57% 10.30% 4.34% 4.31% 4.89% 3.99% 4.34% <-Median-> 5 Ratio
Cash  $47 $333 $476 $226 $650 $164 $338 $61 $133 $147 $82 $451 $464 $739 $739 Cash
Cash per Share $0.06 $0.38 $0.54 $0.27 $0.85 $0.22 $0.47 $0.09 $0.19 $0.22 $0.09 $0.48 $0.50 $0.79 $0.79 $0.48 <-Median-> 5 Cash per Share
Percentage of Stock Price 0.40% 1.90% 1.69% 0.61% 2.40% 0.59% 1.02% 0.18% 0.29% 0.25% 0.10% 0.48% 0.47% 0.76% 0.72% 0.47% <-Median-> 5 % of Stock Price
February 2, 2025.  Last estimates were for 2024, 2025 of $14666M, $15899M Re venue, $4.41, 5.24, $6.04 2024/6 AEPS, $4.26, $5.07 EPS, 
$0.78, 0.86 Dividends, $3065M, $3713M FCF, $6.19, $7.17 CFPS, $7437M, $8429M EBITDA, $48.70, $51.50 BVPS, $3996M, $4703M Net Income.
February 2, 2023.  Last estimates were for 2023, 2024 and 2025 of $11404M, $13008M and $13800M for Revenue, $4.48, $5.18 and $5.94 for AEPS, $4.47, $5.21 and $6.05 for EPS, 
$0.77 and $0.84 for 2023/4 for Dividends, $3.575M and $3913M for 2023/4 for FCF, $5.77 and $6.70 for 2023/4 for CFPS, $44.90 and $48.30 2023/4 for BFPS, $4148M, and $4804M 2023/4 for Net Income.
April 14, 2023.  Canadian Pacific changed it name to Canadian Pacific Kansas City Limited.
February 3, 2023.  Last estimates were for 2022 and 2023 of $8704M and $13849M for Revenue, $3.77 and $4.71 for EPS, $0.76 and $0.77 for Dividends, 
$2412M and $3423M for FCF, $4.36 and $5.74 for CFPS, $35.50 and $39.50 for BVPS, and $3325M and $4394M for Net Income.
January 30, 2022.  Last estimates were for 2021 and 2022 of $8358M, $8860M for Revenue, 4.06 and $4.46 for EPS, $0.78, $0.86 for Dividends, 
$2000M, $2275M for FCF, $5.30 and $6.00 for CFPS, $2682M and $2892M for Net Income.  All adjusted for 5 to 1 split.
February 4, 2021.  Last estimates were for 2020, 2021 and 2022.of $7609M, $8106M and $8646M for Revenue, $17.00, $1970, and $21.10 for EPS, 
$3.33, $3.69 and $4.10 for Dividends, $22.90m $27.30 and $30.10 for CFPS, $2239M, $2512M and $2703M for Net Income.
October 7, 2020.  The last estimates were for 2019, 2020 and 2021 of $7858M. $8.337M and $8.749M for Revenue, $17.70, $18.60 and $20.40 for EPS, 
$21.60, $24.60 and $26.80 for CFPS and $2453M, $2514M and $2670M for Net Income.
October 5, 2019.  Last estimates were for 2018, 2019 and 2020 of $7192M, $7776M and $8329M for Revneue, $13.50, $15.90 and $18.00 for EPS,
 $18.80, $22.10 and $24.60 for CFPS and $1922M, $2205M and $2432M for Net Income.
October 13, 2018.  Last estimates were for 2017, 2018 and 2019 of $6531M, $682M5 and $7189M for Revenue, $12.50, $12.80 and $14.20 for EPS,
 $15.80, $19.00and $21.10 for CFPS and $1823M, $1806M and $1953M for Net Income.
October 20, 2017.  Last estimates were for 2016, 2017 and 2018 of $6484M, $6754M and $7048NM for Revenue, $11.80, 12.20 and $13.60 for EPS, 
$14.60, $17.70 and $19.60 for CFPS and $1758M, $1766M and $1879M for Net Income.
October 16, 2016.  Last estimates were for 2015, 2016 and 2017 of $6848M, $7.185M and $7.527M for Revenue, $9.77, $12.00 and $13.50 for EPS, 
$15.20, $17.30 and $18.00 for CFPS and $1549M, $1756M and $1924M for Net Income.
October 17, 2015.  Last estimates were for 2014, 2015 and 2016 of $6651M, $7644M and $8075M for Revenue, $8.41, $10.90 and $13.10 for EPS, 
$12.30, $15.50 and $17.20 for CFPS and $1468M, $1797M and $2065M for Net Income.
October 12, 2014.  Last estimates were for $6176M, $6643M and $7088M for Revenue, $6.19, $7.90 and $9.43 for EPS, $10.60 $12.50 and $13.80 for CFPS.
Oct 6, 2013.  Last estimates were for 2012 and 2013 of $5730M and $6162 M for Revenue, $4.42 and $5.50 for EPS.
Sep 4, 2012.  Diluted earnings per share of $0.60, inclusive of the negative impact of approximately $0.30 from significant items including
management transition and advisory costs and an Ontario corporate income tax rate change.  (Some sites show $.90 as EPS for Q2.)
management transition and advisory costs and an Ontario corporate income tax rate change.
Mar 13, 2011.  When I last looked I got earnings for 2010 and 2011 of $3.40 and $4.05 and cash Flow of $6.02 and $7.05.
*They have their accounting procedures and say that Book Value, under new rules was only $4658.1 for 2009, not originally reported  $6706 some 30.5% less.  Therefore BV increased by 3.6% in 2010.
A lot of the figures for 2009 was restated with accounting changes of 2010.  However, I have not changed my spreadsheet.  Shows how fragil accounting figures can be.
Mar 3, 2010.  Earnings came in higher, but cash flow came in a lot lower.  Earning estimate for 2010 is lowered, but earnings are expected to recover, as well as Cash Flow in 2011.
In Jul 2009 I picked up  for 2009 and 2010 earning estimates of $2.75 and $3.50 and Cash Flow estimates of $6.70 and $7.37.
In April I picked up 2009 and 2010 estimates of $3.70 and $4.20.  Estimates for this stock have declined a lot.
April 26, 2009 AR 2008.  In June 2008, I got earnings estimates of $4.50 (actual was basic at $4.03 and diluted at $3.98) and Revenue Estimates of $4946. (actual $4931.6) for 2008. 
AP 2007.  I have done ok on this stock since buying in 2006.  TD has a buy rating on it. Dividends are increasing nicely. ANNUAL STATEMENT NOT YET REC
AP 2006.  Revenue is not growning well, but earnings are.  My stock is doing well.  TD expects a 7.1% return on this this at present over next year.  Keeper for now.
AP2005.  This stock looks a lot better if figures from Financial Post Card is accurate.  They are certainly different from the ones I had used.
2004. I do not think that they are making much money.  
Prior to 2001, Company was Canadian Pacfic Limited (CPL) and CPR was spin off of CPL.  (Although dividends were paid prior to 2002, I have no accurate figures.)
In 2001, the CPR's parent company, Canadian Pacific Limited, spun off its five subsidiaries, including the CPR, into independent companies.
For every 100 CP shares investors hold, they'll receive 68.4 shares of Pan Canadian Energy (the new name for PanCanadian Petroleum), 50 shares of CP Rail, 25 shares of Fairmont Hotels and Resorts, 
25 shares of CP Ships, and 16.6 shares of Fording (CP's coal mining division). Currently only PanCanadian trades on its own, with CP owning 86.6 per cent of the shares. Those shares will be spun off in the restructuring.
See Earnings Release for new annual report.
Services, Industrial
What should this stock accomplish?
Would I buy this company and Why.
Why am I following this stock. 
It is a stock I held from 1987 to 1999 so I am following it.  I also held it 2006 to 2011.  I decided in 2011 to have only one railway stock and chose CN as my railway stock.
Why I bought and sold this stock.
I am following this stock because it is a dividend growth stock.  It is one that was on Mike Higgs' list.
Dividends are paid quarterly in Cycle 1 of January, April, July and October.  Dividends are declared in one month and paid in the following month.
For example, the dividend declared on December 30, 2011 was paid on January 30, 2012.
How they make their money
Canadian Pacific Kansas City is a Class-1 railroad operating on track that spans across most of Canada and into parts of the Midwestern and Northeastern 
United States and down through Texas, the Gulf of Mexico, and into Mexico.   
For most ratios, lower is better when looking for a good stock price.  However, there are exceptions such as for yield and asset/liability ratios and here you want a higher ratios to indicate a good stock price.  
Also, for the Operational Profit Margin, a higher percentage is better.  With the OPM, you should only compare companies in similar industries.
fix 1 to 5 split These values seem wrong
Shares; '%, Value $M Shares %, Val $M Shares %, Val $M Shares %, Val $M Shares %, Val $M Shares %, Val $M Shares %, Val $M Shares %, Val $M Shares %, Val $M Shares %, Val $M Change
Date Oct 20 2017 Oct 13 2018 Oct 5 2019 Oct 8 2020 Feb 4 2021 Jan 30 2022 Feb 3 2023 Feb 2 2024 Feb 2 2025
Creel, Keith E. 0.002 0.00% 0.002 0.00% 0.003 0.00% 0.018 0.00% 0.090 0.01% 0.168 0.02% 0.093 0.01% 0.095 0.01% 0.100 0.01% Used to be an officer 5.38%
CEO - Shares - Amount $0.085 $0.117 $0.172 $1.590 $8.193 $16.996 $9.797 $9.878 $11.059 CEO 2017
Options - percentage 0.657 0.09% 0.704 0.10% 0.694 0.10% 0.635 0.10% 3.292 0.35% 3.719 0.40% 3.655 0.39% 2.828 0.30% 2.557 0.27% -9.58%
Options - amount $30.161 $34.100 $45.923 $56.114 $299.471 $375.456 $383.240 $294.377 $282.791
Harrison, E. Hunter
CEO - Shares - Amount
Options - percentage
Options - amount
Reuters Options Value
Velani, Nadeem 0.001 0.00% 0.001 0.00% 0.001 0.00% 0.001 0.00% 0.002 0.00% 0.010 0.00% 0.010 0.00% 0.002 0.96% 0.011 0.00% 602.35%
CFO - Shares - Amount $0.029 $0.039 $0.067 $0.051 $0.194 $0.986 $1.099 $0.164 $1.225
Options - percentage 0.018 0.00% 0.038 0.01% 0.060 0.01% 0.079 0.01% 0.549 0.06% 0.759 0.08% 0.454 0.05% 0.593 0.06% 0.586 0.06% -1.07%
Options - amount $0.850 $1.829 $3.960 $6.934 $49.983 $76.635 $47.617 $61.668 $64.818
Brooks, John Kenneth 0.001 0.00% 0.002 0.00% 0.002 0.00% 0.010 0.00% 0.056 0.01% 0.012 0.00% 0.013 0.00% 0.014 0.00% 12.35%
Officer - Shares - Amount $0.068 $0.121 $0.180 $0.929 $5.618 $1.239 $1.305 $1.558
Options - percentage 0.031 0.00% 0.042 0.01% 0.057 0.01% 0.320 0.03% 1.555 0.17% 0.342 0.04% 0.424 0.05% 0.424 0.05% -0.19%
Options - amount $1.427 $2.763 $5.010 $29.076 $156.982 $35.911 $44.161 $46.831
Redd, Mark Ashley 0.022 0.00% 0.023 0.00% 0.026 0.00% 10.11%
Officer - Shares - Amount $2.332 $2.426 $2.838
Options - percentage 0.153 0.02% 0.328 0.04% 0.345 0.04% 5.10%
Options - amount $16.029 $34.173 $38.160
Baird, John Russell 0.000 0.00% 0.000 0.00% 0.000 0.00% 0.000 0.00% 0.000 0.00% 0.000 0.00% 0.000 0.00% 0.000 0.00% 0.000 0.00% #DIV/0!
Director - Shares - Amount $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000
Options - percentage 0.003 0.00% 0.004 0.00% 0.005 0.00% 0.006 0.00% 0.030 0.00% 0.033 0.00% 0.038 0.00% 0.042 0.00% 0.046 0.00% 10.71%
Options - amount $0.137 $0.196 $0.334 $0.521 $2.750 $3.349 $3.935 $4.350 $5.117
Paull, Matthew 0.015 0.00% 0.019 0.00% 0.019 0.00% 0.00%
Director - Shares - Amount $1.593 $1.945 $2.067
Options - percentage 0.041 0.00% 0.045 0.00% 0.050 0.01% 10.09%
Options - amount $4.294 $4.724 $5.526
Courville, Isabelle 0.001 0.00% 0.001 0.00% 0.005 0.00% 0.023 0.00% 0.023 0.00% 0.023 0.00% 0.000 0.00% -100.00%
Chairman - Shares - Amt $0.060 $0.079 $0.409 $2.271 $2.359 $2.342 $0.000
Options - percentage 0.008 0.00% 0.010 0.00% 0.050 0.01% 0.056 0.01% 0.060 0.01% 0.063 0.01% 0.067 0.01% 6.03%
Options - amount $0.536 $0.862 $4.571 $5.669 $6.270 $6.591 $7.424
Reardon, Andrew Fitzpatrick 0.004 0.00% 0.004 0.00%
Chairman - Shares - Amt $0.185 $0.195
Options - percentage 0.010 0.00% 0.012 0.00%
Options - amount $0.456 $0.587
Increase in O/S Shares 0.200 0.03% 0.500 0.07% 0.200 0.03% 0.300 0.04% 1.500 0.23% 0.200 0.02% 0.800 0.09% 1.600 0.17% 1.400 0.15%
due to SO $7.662 $22.966 $9.690 $19.862 $132.459 $18.196 $80.760 $167.760 $145.712
Book Value $28.000 $57.000 $36.000 $45.000 $48.000 $6.000 $41.000 $86.000 $87.000
Insider Buying $0.000 $0.000 -$0.520 -$4.532 -$4.532 $0.000 -$0.052 -$0.338 $0.000
Insider Selling $6.798 $2.722 $35.245 $46.075 $36.196 $8.555 $35.482 $108.079 $72.477
Net Insider Selling $6.798 $2.722 $34.725 $41.543 $31.664 $8.555 $35.430 $107.741 $72.477
Net Selling % of Market Cap 0.02% 0.01% 0.08% 0.07% 0.04% 0.01% 0.04% 0.11% 0.07%
Directors 10 9 11 11 11 11 9 12 12
Women 4 40% 4 44% 5 45% 5 45% 5 45% 5 45% 4 44% 5 42% 4 33%
Minorities 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 2 17% 2 17%
Total Shares Held 432 68.37% 485 66.87% 513 69.73% 519 70.92%
Increase/Decrease 99.107 13.68% 95.351 13.57% 96.636 14.11% 96.119 14.42%
Starting No. of Shares -3.705 -3.60% -3.718 -3.75% 0.398 0.41% 0.590 0.62%
102.812 Nasdaq 99.069 Nasdaq 96.238 Nasdaq 95.529 Nasdaq
Institutions/Holdings 20 58.88% 20 64.36% 20 44.98% 20 58.68% 20 46.79% 20 43.85%
Total Shares Held 81.588 12.24% 428.881 46.13% 418.124 44.94% 546.029 58.58% 436.169 46.72% 409.348 43.85%
Increase/Decrease 3.349 4.28% 25.638 6.36% 17.269 4.31% 27.091 5.22% -9.312 -2.09% 1.783 0.44%
Starting No. of Shares 78.239 Top 20 MS 403.243 Top 20 MS 400.855 Top 20 MS 518.937 Top 20 MS 445.481 Top 20 MS 407.565 Top 20 MS
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